School Reopening: January 2021
31st December 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope you are well and have managed to enjoy the Christmas break in these strange times.
As you will have heard on the news yesterday, the Government have delayed the start of the Spring Term for secondary school students due to the significant increase in the rate of Covid infections and in order to set up testing facilities. For special schools and colleges the guidance states that individual special schools have flexibility on face to face attendance of students in the first week of term.
Our lateral flow tests will be delivered on Monday and staff will undertake training and testing during Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th January 2021. On Wednesday 6th January our most vulnerable students, and the sons/daughters of key workers will return to school and college and on Thursday 7th January all students can return. We will obtain consent for student testing at the start of next week, and commence testing as they return to school/college.
I understand that this will cause some disruption, but hope you can appreciate the importance of setting up testing in order to keep all staff and students safe. In addition, we may have a number of staff who are asymptomatic, but test positive and this could affect our capacity to remain open to all students. As you know, we will do all we can to ensure continuity in your child's education but please bear with us in these difficult times.
I will send further details about testing next week. However, just to outline the procedure -staff will be tested on a weekly basis. Students will undertake two tests at the start of term which will be between 3-5 days apart, they will then be tested weekly. Should a student or member of staff test positive, they will be asked to self- isolate and undertake a PCR test either provided by school or at a testing centre. The results of this test are more accurate and will determine the procedure to follow. Students who come into contact with a positive case will no longer be asked to self-isolate, but will be tested every day for seven days and if the tests remain negative they will be able to stay in school/college. If your son/daughter tests positive at any point they will be asked to self-isolate.
It is recognised that testing may prove traumatic for some of our students. We would like to work with you to attempt to test everyone, but where this causes too much upset we will consider the benefits of following this procedure. Our aim will be to test as many students as possible.
Given the current situation with Covid cases and hospital admissions, I can appreciate how anxious some of you will be feeling. If you have any concerns regarding your son/daughter returning to school/college please do not hesitate to contact me and we will discuss the options available.
Outline of return to Brentwood School and College:
Monday 4th January |
INSET day – staff training and testing - school closed for students |
Tuesday 5th January |
Staff training and testing - school closed for students |
Wednesday 6th January |
Key worker and most vulnerable students in – student testing commences |
Thursday 7th January |
All students return to school/college – testing continues |
Friday 8th January |
All students in school/college |
If you would like to discuss any of this with me, please message me on dojo or send me an email to:
Wishing you all a Happy New Year
Best wishes