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Brentwood School

Learning For Life

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Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

Through a planned programme of activities, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and Work-Related Learning (WRL), Brentwood seeks to help all students take their place as responsible adults within society. The focus is on raising the aspirations and achievement of individual students and equipping them with skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding.

Careers Education helps young people to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transition between key stages and also between education and the world of work.

Careers Guidance enables them to use the knowledge and skills to make decisions about education and the world of work that are appropriate for them.


Brentwood is committed to:

• Providing a planned programme of activities to all students from Years 7 – 14 and in college which will help them to plan and influence their futures
• Providing independent advice and guidance (IAG) which is impartial, unbiased and is based on their needs
• Ensuring that the CEIAG and WRL programme follows local, regional and national frameworks for good practice.
• Working in partnership with Connexions to ensure all students access education, employment or training at least yearly and then at the relevant transition points


The Careers Education Programme
The CEP includes careers education sessions, career guidance activities (group work and individual interviews), information and research activities, work-related learning (including external and internal work experience where appropriate and work taster days) and individual learning planning/portfolio activities. Other focused events including a transition event, are provided at Key Stages 4, 5 and College e.g. ‘Beyond Brentwood’ where external relevant professionals from a range of organisations are invited into Brentwood to meet students and their families. External work experience is facilitated in Key Stage 5 and College. Students are actively involved in the evaluation of activities including work experience through lessons and in written feedback.


The CEIAG programme is greatly enhanced through links with a number of partners who help us make the students’ learning up to date and relevant. We constantly strive to expand and improve links with employers, other educational providers, local groups and charities.

Independent Careers Advice:
An annual partnership agreement is negotiated between the school and college and Connexions which identifies the contributions to the programme that each organisation will make.

Employment partnerships:
Examples of recent successful work experience placements have been with Wythenshawe Horticulture Centre, Short Cutz Hairdressers, St Margaret’s Ward Primary School, Waitrose, AJ Adams grocers, Manchester Museum, The Life Centre, Sunshine Café, Manchester United, Sale West and the Coppice Library.
Students have also had opportunities to volunteer within the local community through Duke of Edinburgh activities and enterprise in the community eg running a café at St Martin’s Church.

Further and Higher Education Links:
Strong links exist with local further education colleges, including Trafford College, Salford College, Bridge College, David Lewis College, Loreto College, Manchester College, Sea Shell Trust and local care providers.


Headteacher - Jude Lomas


Careers Lead - Caroline Gillinder 


Work Experience - Siobhan O'Shaughnessy 


Connexions advisor - Mick McHugh

