Multi Agency Support
At Brentwood we work in partnership with a wide range of services to meet the individual needs of our students. Multi-agency professionals regularly support school to assess, observe, deliver therapy and share information. Close liaison with specialists ensures that we are able to provide best practice for our students. Where appropriate, multi-agency professionals contribute to Annual Reviews and other meetings such as Child in Need meetings. Our work with social workers and professionals from social care and health, is pivotal in providing holistic care for students.
Agencies working at Brentwood School
School Nurse
We work closely with the Community Children’s Nursing Team (CCNT) who support and provide training to staff to help them to meet students’ medical needs.
The school nurses support in regular clinics which are held in school and led by specialist doctors.
Speech Therapy
School work in partnership with independent Speech and Language Therapists (SaLT) who assess students' needs and advise school staff on any interventions required.
School employs a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant, who works at school daily, working collaboratively with class teams to set and review challenging IEP targets, in addition to group and individual therapy sessions.
The feeding/dysphagia specialist advises staff about students with eating and drinking difficulties.
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
The physiotherapist and physiotherapy assistant come into school several times each week to deliver physiotherapy as outlined on a students’ Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). These sessions include gross motor work, blocks of hydrotherapy, setting and reviewing individual programmes for staff to implement throughout the day. Physiotherapists advise staff on postural support and positioning and the use of specialist equipment. Additionally, the occupational therapy team (OT) assess students and give advice regarding specialist equipment and furniture.
Music Therapy
We have a Music Therapist who comes into school each Friday. She delivers individual, small group and whole class music therapy sessions. During these sessions, as well as enjoying the musical activities, students work on a variety of skills such as communication, interaction with others, sharing and turn-taking.
Sensory Impairment
We work with both the visually impaired (VI) and hearing impaired (HI) services for who support our students by advising and making necessary adaptations and adjustments.
Healthy Young Minds
We work with Healthy Young Minds (formerly CAMHS) who provide early intervention and advice for students with mental health difficulties. Our Family Support Worker works alongside to support the families/carers.
Educational Psychologist
The Educational Psychologist (EP) assesses student’s cognitive, behaviour, social, emotional needs when school and families have concerns. The EP provides advice and recommendations to the school following observation and assessment.
Connexions provide independent advice and guidance to young people aged 13-25 years. They attend annual reviews from Year 12 onwards and discuss future options with students and parents/carers. Connexions liaise closely with school staff, college providers and other relevant organisations such as social and health workers.