At Brentwood we recognise the importance of well managed transitions both within the school and when students are transitioning into Brentwood or moving onto a new provision. We work closely with other providers to ensure appropriate information is shared to support the student. We also recognise the significance of any transition on parents and carers and aim to work closely with families to provide support in these circumstances.
Internal transitions
Brentwood is a safe and secure environment. We recognise that some students find transition around the building, moving into different classes and experiencing different staff and students to be challenging. Staff will support students at an appropriate level to prepare them for transitions. This will include use of visual timetables, social stories and through gradual preparation and experience. Whilst some students find these transitions a challenge, we recognise the importance of ensuring that students are developing transition skills in preparation for life after Brentwood.
Transition between education phases
For students with significant learning difficulties and complex needs, transitioning into a new of phase of education needs to be carefully considered for each individual. At Brentwood, we have a structured transition programme to prepare and support young people at each stage of their education and beyond.
Transition from primary school
We work closely with our local feeder primary schools to support students and their families with transition into Brentwood. This is achieved through:
- Parent/carer visits to Brentwood
- Brentwood attending annual reviews where appropriate
- Moving on presentation to parent and carers to support in decision making regarding appropriate placements
- Sharing of student information between teachers and other professionals involved in the students’ education and care
- Staff visits to feeder primary schools
- Student transition visits
- Support from the Family Support Worker
- Transition coffee mornings
Transitioning to Key Stage 4 and 6th Form
Transition planning in Year 9, Year 11 and Year 14 is carefully structured to support students as they transition to their adult life. It is very important to us at Brentwood to ensure that we prepare our students for the next steps in life beyond Brentwood, and a great deal of emphasis is spent implementing individual progression routes to develop their skills for life. We work closely with our Connexions worker who provides independent advice and guidance (IAG) to all students during key annual reviews to support transition into colleges and other provision after Brentwood.