The Local Education Authority’s policy for determining admissions to maintained special schools is based upon matching the special educational needs of individual students to the particular range of needs provided for in each school. Special schools are broadly classified as providing for a particular type of special educational need. Since many students may show a combination of needs, the predominant identified need will normally be the determining factor in school placements.
Brentwood is the only secondary school for students with severe and/or profound learning difficulties in Trafford and so serves the whole of the authority. The Local Education Authority (LEA) does have ultimate control over the students admitted to each special school and parents should contact the local authority to find out about admission arrangements.
Student placements follow a formal assessment of the student’s special educational needs. This process usually results in the issue of an EHC Plan, naming the school which offers the most appropriate provision for the student concerned.
Parents are most welcome to visit the school, meet the Headteacher, tour the school and generally find out more for themselves. Appointments to do this can be arranged with the school office. We have an excellent transition process from our feeder schools.