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Brentwood School

Learning For Life

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Our ambitious curriculum has been designed to prepare students to be responsible caring citizens who are as independent as they can be and who are curious about the world. This ensures that our students develop self-esteem, confidence and resilience.

The curriculum, and our approach to delivery, enables our students to have agency and self-determination. Across the curriculum they are given opportunities to make and communicate choices and decisions. We aim for our students to develop skills that they can transfer to different contexts and there is always a focus on health, safety and well-being.


We also ensure that the curriculum itself provides our students with a rich range of experiences that they find interesting, enjoyable and engaging and which add to their cultural capital.  This is achieved through curriculum sessions, community visits and also enrichment sessions such as lunchtime recreation, after school clubs and special celebration days.


The school works to prepare all students for the next stage in their education, employment and lives through a coherent and sequenced learning experience.


The curriculum at Key Stages 3 and 4 is a modified version of the National Curriculum. This enables us to make sure that the curriculum is broad and balanced and personalised to meet the individual learning needs of our young people.  At Key Stage 5 (post-16) the curriculum is designed around functional learning opportunities and focuses on the developing needs of our students as they transition into adulthood.


Follow the links below to discover the topics within each curriculum area for this academic year.


If you would like to hear more about the curriculum, please contact school to speak to the Headteacher.