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Brentwood School

Learning For Life

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Documents and Letters

Calm Connections

Risk Assessment March 22

Salford Red Devils Physical Disability Rugby League session

Community Activities

Please see below details of groups and activities at Gorse Hill studios, including Tuesday and Saturday challenge specifically for young people with SEND. Use the links below for more information and to book on:



INDRA Multi Arts Club 11-25's16:00-17:30



Art Club 7-11's- 16:00-17:30

Tuesday Challenge for 11-25's- 19:00-21:00



Dance Club 7-11's- 16:00-17:00



Art Club 12-16's- 16:00-17:30

GHS Music Project 13-18's- 17:00-19:00



Youth Theatre 9-16's- 16:00-17:30



Saturday Challenge 11-25's 10:00-12:30

Covid Risk Assessment 09.11.21

End of Autumn Half Term Message

Warn and Inform Letter 23.09.21

Welcome to a new year at Brentwood

Updated guidance regards contract tracing and bubbles - 20th July 2021

Message from the Headteacher – May 2021

Throughout this half term we have seen life gradually returning to ‘normal’. It is great to have almost all of our students back in school and they are certainly enjoying all of the learning opportunities they are experiencing.

We have continued to encourage outdoor learning, with a particular drive on physical activity. Not only does being outdoors limit the risk of the spread of infection, but being active supports our students with their mental and physical health. It has been lovely to see students engaging in forest schools, animal care, farm shop, bikes and horticulture in school as well as accessing sports activities in the community and horticulture at the local allotments. It’s just a shame the weather has been so grim!


Today we said farewell to our lovely cleaner Veronica. As an octogenarian she decided it was finally time to hang up her dusters. We gave her a great send off and wish her all the best in her retirement – she will be sadly missed.


As you will all be aware we have a number of animals in school and college including chickens, quails, rabbits and a tortoise. Our students love working with the animals and they support, amongst other things, engagement, communication, taking responsibility and work experience. After the holidays we will also have a school and college dog. She is a labradoodle puppy called Thea and she will be joining the school team after the holidays. Thea will be trained to work with students in school and college starting with initial familiarisation in the summer term, building up to small group sessions through the autumn and next spring. She will be fully working from aged 12-18months. We have a team of staff in school and college who will be trained to support her. We have a risk assessment and dog policy in place but please let us know if your child has a phobia, allergy or has been violent with animals before. This is an opt out procedure at this stage and will be included on out permissions agreement from September.


Finally just a word about track and trace. If your son/daughter tests positive for Covid over the weekend, please let us know so that we can carry out track and trace for contacts in school and college. After the bank holiday weekend we do not need to carry out track and trace but would be grateful if you could let us know. Please contact by class dojo or email me on

I would like to thank everyone once again for their support.      


Have a great holiday – let’s hope the sun shines!


Access Sport Information

Letter from Jude and Trafford Public Health: 26.03.21

Risk Assessment: updated 12th March 2021

Risk Assessment 8th March 2021

Covid Risk Assessment: updated 5th March 2021

Congratulations to Brentwood! Winners at the Apprenticeship Awards 2021

Risk Assessment: updated 22.01.21

Letter - 14th January 2021

Letter from Trafford Council - 13.01.21

Updated Covid Risk Assessment - 08.01.21

Letter to Parents and Carers and Consent Form

Covid 19 Advice for Parents in Greater Manchester

Information from Unlimited Potential:


If you live in Trafford, have a disability and are under the age of 25, you can get your hands on a free activity pack to see you through to Christmas! Sign up to become a Winter Warrior here:

Thanks to Access Sport and Nova Sports for this great initiative.


A conference for people with learning disabilities and/or autism on the 3rd December. It’s free, online, and there’s even in a party in the evening! There are some really interesting workshop themes in their sign up form – you can choose to learn more about racial justice, lesbian gay bisexual transgender awareness, a women’s workshop or graphics with Pip.  It all sounds really worth a visit so go sign yourself up here:

Brentwood COVID Risk Assessment: updated 10.11.20

Trafford Council: Coronavirus Update

National Autistic Society

Please find some information below from the National Autistic Society:

"I wanted to let you know about a free online event organised by a mother of a child with autism, Florencia Djoe, keen to raise awareness and provide advice and support to parents and caregivers of children with an ASC.
She has interviewed several expert speakers, researchers and parents, sharing their experiences and advice on supporting children with Autism."

The online event is mainly aimed at parents and education practitioners and is running from today until November 8th, with a different interview being released each day on a different topic.

All you need to do is register on the link below and you'll receive a daily email with a link to the interviews. I have included the running order, topics and speakers below for your information:

Day 1. Oct. 19. Dr. Stephen Shore: Develop Connection with Your Child Interest
Day 2. Oct. 20. Nancy Amar : Communication through Connection
Day 3. Oct. 21. Kay Toomey : Helping the Child with an ASD to Eat Better
Day 4. Oct. 22. Barbara Avilla: Parents are the Specialist for Their Own Child
Day 5. Oct. 23. Matteo Musso: I Found My Voice
Day 6. Oct. 24. Amanda Alvarez: Learning Through Play
Day 7. Oct. 25. Deborah DiMare: Design Interior for Autism
Day 8. Oct. 26. Dr. Neil Margolis: Visual Skills and Autism: Can You Notice What You See?
Day 9. Oct. 27. Dr. Darin Ingels: Diet, Immune and Detox for Children with Autism
Day 10. Oct. 28. Susan Larkin, PhD.: Creating Social Story for Your Child
Day 11. Oct. 29. Roberta Scherf: The Power of 5 minutes of CALM
Day 12. Oct. 30. Dr. James Adams: Nutritional and Microbiome Treatments for Autism
Day 13. Oct. 31. Sue DeCaro: Mindfulness in everyday moments
Day 14. Nov. 1. Tony DeBlois: Manifesting My Life Through Music
Day 15. Nov. 2. Katie Cook, M.Ed. BCBA: Be Your Child's Most Valuable Teacher
Day 16. Nov. 3. Temple Grandin: Explore, Develop and Broaden Child’s Interest
Day 17. Nov. 4. Dr. Robert Melillo: What is actually happening in the brain?
Day 18. Nov. 5. Becky Miksic: End Picky Eating
Day 19. Nov. 6. Anna Wang: How Community Can Support and Empower Your Child and Family
Day 20. Nov. 7. Henry Dunn: Music Therapy Perspectives on Childhood Autism
Day 21. Nov. 8. Lucy Healy: How to Create a Study Area for Your Child

New Creative Project for Neurodivergent Young People in Trafford

Brentwood School and College Risk Assessment - updated 01.09.20

Empower You Online Activities w/c 27/07/20

Empower You Online Activities w/c 20.07.20

School Reopening Risk Assessment - updated 2nd July 2020

Empower You Online Weekly Activities for w/c 13.07.20

Empower You Online Activities w/c 6th July

The Bread and Butter Thing; a charity providing weekly groceries at a fraction of high street costs

Brentwood School Reopening Risk Assessment

Letters from Brentwood and Trafford Council can be found in our latest news section via the following link:

Trafford Directory has lots of useful information about local support during this time as well as information about maintaining your well-being and some links to activities your children may enjoy. 


Department of Education update:

Information for parents and carers about the closure of schools and other educational settings following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).


This useful publication from the Department of Education answers some frequently asked questions about the closure of educational settings: 

A list of helpful resources:







  • Covibook – an interactive resource designed to support and reassure children aged 7 and under, designed to help children explain and draw the emotions that they might be experiencing during the pandemic:




Trafford Local Hubs

Please find below some information about the local hubs to support families:


There are 5 community hubs across Trafford which are up and running to support people through the COVID-19 outbreak. They are located in Altrincham, Gorse Hill, Partington, Sale and Urmston but anyone needing local support must be directed through the dedicated helpline to avoid overcrowding at hub venues: the dedicated helpline 0300 3309073


The Centres are available to those living in the area who are self isolating or vulnerable and are being run by volunteers from across Trafford. They have been set up and coordinated by Trafford Council, Trafford Housing Trust, Thrive, Trafford Stronger Communities Board and other local community groups who were already helping to support local residents when social distancing measures were first put in place.

For activities your child maybe interested in at home, please see the Student Zone section


Calm Connections

Go Kids Go! Free Wheelchair Skills Event in Manchester


Manchester Art Gallery Open Doors Event: 20th July


Team Karting - Autism Friendly

